1. On your blog post your reactions to the power point
I thought all the shots were good. They were all very interesting.
2. What was your favorite photo? Describe it and tell me why its your favorite
My favorite photo was of the rhino, it was a profile view of the rhino and the reflection on the water was also pretty clear.
3. Look up the photographer –
a. What kind of camera did he use? He shoots with a film camera.
b. What is his reason for taking the photos? He treats the photography of the wild animals of Africa as a fine art form.
c. What is his hope by taking these types of photos? to capture the beauty of these animals.
d. “African wildlife has never looked so regal and mysterious as in Brandt’s grave photographs. His elephants appear as weighty as the pyramids. His rhinos look more ancient than carbon. His apes know something we don’t. Given the multitude of human disasters in Africa, is it an indulgence to lose yourself in pictures that carry no hint of the wars and famines outside the frame? Not when the pictures are such powerful reminders that Africa is also a magnificent—and endangered—treasure house of animal life.”
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