Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Practicing Captions

Student Courtney Jackson is at a school football game cheering on the team. She claims she had a good time although they didn't win.

Brandon Watsin is shooting a free throw during an Akins Basketball game. The crowd cheered him on before and after he made the basket causin the Eagles to win the game. Symmetry is used in this photo by the way he positioned his arms.

Art student Gabe Maldonado is seen working on a drawing involving color pencils. He's worked on this drawing for 2 weeks and he was really focused on trying to finish it. The rule of thirds are in this photo giving the student more space and also leading lines because the student's hands create a line.

an owl is being held with a glove in their class during a presentation. Everyone in class got to put on the glove and hold the owl.
Mergers are seen in this photo because of the owl and the person behind the owl.

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